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Reflexology is a gentle, soothing, yet effective non-invasive therapy. It is performed on the feet to provide benefits which are both physical and emotional.


There are reflex zones located on the feet which link via energy pathways to corresponding areas of the body. By applying pressure to these areas it is possible to stimulate the movement of energy along these pathways which helps to release blockages and toxins, leaving you relaxed and energised.


Reflexology can help with stress, pain relief, and many health conditions eg IBS, Sciatica, Menstrual Problems, Gastric issues, Constipation etc


Indian Head Massage​

Indian Head Massage is the ideal stress busting treatment for anyone suffering from aching shoulders, neck, tension headaches and poor concentration. It is a safe, simple. yet effective therapy renowned for relieving the sysmptoms of stress.


The treatment involves massage of the back, shoulders, neck, head, scalp and face. During the treatment pressure is applied to accupressure points throughout the upper body, thus stimulating the energy pathways which may have become blocked, and improving the circulation to allow the release of toxins from the body.


IHM alleviates stress, anxiety and mental tension, it also gives a sense of balance and calm. Concentration and sleep can be improved, and issues such as sinusitis and congestion can be relieved.



Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy, that is guided for the purpose of healing. Reiki is a gentle non-invasive, hands on therapy that is deeply relaxing and assists with healing the whole person.


It helps both the body and mind, while restoring balance and harmony to life. In addition many find that this therapy can help them change how they feel about themselves and their lives. Many report feeling greater confidence and inner peace.


Reiki can also be beneficial for physical and emotional healing, and it is wonderful for personal growth and development. Reiki can help a client to cope with grief and loss, relationship issues, low energy levels and pain.


EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT Tapping effectively forms the bridge between talk and body therapies. EFT is a simple but powerful therapeutic tool that uses words and accupressure points to tune into emotional disturbances such as anxiety, stress, grief, guilt etc. 


Particular accupressure points are tapped to clear energy blocks which achieves balance of thoughts and emotions. The results are surprisingly quick and generally lasting. Strong emotions such as fear, anger, shame, sadness etc dissolve into clear thinking, which enables the client to have  clarity of thought which allows forward motion.


EFT is a simple but empowering therapy which can be used in combination with other therapies or on its own. Clients are taught how to utilise the benefits of this therapy outwith their session, to allow for empowerment in their day to day lives.


Emotion Code

People often sense that they have emotional issues but don't know how to get past them, the Emotion Code is a simple,  and fast method devised to find emotional baggage (using muscle testing). Once found whatever emotions have become trapped in the body or around the heart (Heart Wall) are released.


Our emotional baggage consists of actual energies, the energies of intense emotional events that we’ve experienced that are still stuck in our physical bodies. These energies distort the normal energy field of the body, creating pain, malfunction, all manner of disease, and even cancer. In addition, these energies (trapped emotions) are the driving force behind PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias and all manner of mental illnesses.


A simple analogy for energy is that in the same way that you cannot see the wind, yet you can feel it’s effects, trapped emotions are invisible but they can exert powerful forces upon you. Trapped emotions can affect you physically just as much as they can mentally and emotionally. Emotion Code can help you take your life back, enjoy better health, and finally be free from the insidious and subtle forces that trapped emotions are exerting upon you


NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

NLP is like being given the manual and the highway code of your brain. It has been called the software for the mind, and it's easy to see why, because NLP helps you understand that everything you experience begins with a thought, which in turn creates a feeling, which leads to an action and outcome. This can either be a negative or postive outcome based on the thought.  NLP gives us a means to act at the thought level, and when you have the tools to change your thoughts, you will find that your external reality will change to match the new internal state.


Has there ever been a time when you decided you would change a habit and do something different only to find you unconsciously repeated the same old habit? Have you ever wondered why? Habits are generated and stored by the unconscious mind so the change needs to occur at the unconscious level! 


Unwanted behaviours and beliefs have also been learned and stored at an unconscious level, for example, as a child you may have 'learnt' to become afraid of spiders, this may have been because the first time you saw a spider the adults in the room showed you how to 'behave' by running away from the spider. This is then stored at an unconscious level and every time you now see a spider you react automatically in the same way. It becomes an automatic unconscious response which you are unable to change consciously, this is the same for phobias and fears and they also can only be changed at the unconscious level.


You may have heard of limiting beliefs, this is when a belief that you formed at a young age can hold you back today, like 'I am not worthy'. This good thing is that this is only a belief, it is not true and therefore can be changed at an unconscious level to a belief that will empower your life.


If you are struggling with issues from the past, low self esteem, lack of confidence or anxiety, it can be very difficult to move forward, for example the issues clients might bring to me are for help to  get over anxiety, stop worrying, resolve issues that are still haunting them from the past,  binge eating, or to break habits like smoking, nail biting etc


An NLP session may achieve the outcome you desire in one session or may require several sessions if there are mutliple issues to deal with. In the first session we will discuss what outcome you want to achieve and gain clarity on the way forward for you. 


NLP is a powerful therapy that gets to the root core of the issues very quickly.  You will change the way you feel about your situation and yourself in just a few sessions. You will feel more relaxed, happier and freer than you have in a long time, and you will have reset to your default setting of well being and peace.

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